26 Dogs Who Asked Santa for a Home this Christmas

Inspired by Buzzfeed’s post on shelter dogs looking for homes this christmas, we thought we’d run our very own version. All of these dogs are available for adoption. Find out how here: http://sitwithme.ca/adopt/

#1 Azura

Azura - Sit With Me Dog Rescue

Dear Santa & Mrs. Claus.

I’ve has been patiently waiting to find a home outside of Ontario, where I can snuggle and learn new things.

I like other dogs, but there’s a right and a wrong way to meet – a girl needs some space sometimes!

When night time comes, and my hoomans are sleeping, that’s when I take my favorite toy and go to sleep too, without a peep. After a full night’s rest, I’m happy and ready to go, walking and playing are my favorite.

Love, Azura

#2 Gunner

Gunner - Sit With Me Dog Rescue


Dear Santa,

I’m Gunner, i’m three. I’m not your typical three-year-old, sure i can’t read or write, but I’m a scared of new people. Life is better when it’s quiet and everything is predictable for me. As for my foster parents, yeah, I love them lots and show them just how much i love them regularly.

I’m a bit of a couch potato Santa, but my favourite part of the day is going for an evening walks.

For christmas, i’d love a family in the country who will give me unconditional love (and me them!) and invite me into their family.

Love, Gunner

#3 Maxwell

Max - Sit With Me Dog Rescue

Oh Hi Santa,

My foster mom calls me Max. I’ve been REALLY good this year, sharing everything. I heard that’s how you get on the good boy list, i’ll share my food, water, toys and bed – no problem!

I make friends with everyone, i even think those “scary dogs” could be my future BFF.  We sometimes meet them on walks, which I love. I love everything.

Except for being alone… I’ve got something the hoomans call separation anxiety, so Santa, I’d like a family who can be at home with me most of the time or who needs a doggy assistant at work

Did I mention my heart is a little broken? I’ve got a grade 5/6 heart murmur, but it’s okay the daily medication is helping! I don’t let it bother me.

Your friend, Max

#4 ThorThor

Hello Santa,

It’s me, Thor. You might remember that I asked for a family last christmas, well it didn’t quite work out, but i’m hopeful you can help me out again. I’ve got a great foster family with dog siblings that I get along with great. We play and play and play some more. I’d love to be with another young-ish, playful dog, and in a home where people like to snuggle, and have mastered the belly rub.

I do need a lot of regular exercise, it’s how I keep this lean body you know.  My hooman tells me I have epilepsy, but I see my vet-doctor friend and we make sure i’m on the correct dose of meds to keep things AOK. I’m not too worried, many dogs with epilepsy live long, happy lives with proper vet care and the correct medication.

Smell you later, Thor

#5 Wren 

Wren - Sit With Me Dog RescueHi Santa,

You’re looking well this time of year. My foster parents say i’m cuteness wrapped up in trouble…or is that trouble wrapped up in cuteness. Whatever it is, all I know is that she thinks I’m cute.

I may be small, but I love to play and run and jump, especially with those squeaky things! When I’m not playing, you’ll probably find me snuggling and cuddling with her family.

Santa, I’d love someone who has a good lap to curl up on and who doesn’t mind the occasional sneaky nose lick or ear nibble on your ears if the mood strikes her.

Love, Wren

#6 Bernard

Bernard - Sit With Me Dog RescueHey Santa,

It’s me, Bernard. People sometimes look at me as this older gentleman, but let’s get real for a second, i’ve still got spunk.

I might be a bit deaf, (you remember those chronic ear infections?) and have cataracts that make my hoomans fuzzy, but I still got lots of love to give. I’ve mastered the enthusiastic bum wags this year, especially when I meet new people. We got for walks and roll in the grass, and get belly rubs, and stuff like that.

Sometimes I get spooked, but it’s because of my vision and hearing. it’s probably why i get anxiety – I think this time, i’d like a home where someone is home most of the time.

I guess this house can have cats, or other dogs, just not huge ones. But most of all, I want hoomans to love.

Catch you later, Bernard

#7 Cora

Cora - Sit With Me Dog Rescue


It’s CORA! Remember me? I’ve got lots of energy still, but hey i’m still young.

I think I might be on the naughty and nice list this year. I give lots of love, but sometimes, I like to get into mischief! Santa, you could bring her a forever home who is willing to continue working with me on some of the mischief.

Maybe a couple of sodoku books too, to keep me mentally stimulated. Who am I kidding, i can’t read!

I like other dogs I meet, but I gotta say Santa, i like being the centre of attention, so maybe a house with a more confident dog who can teach me a thing or two. I like cats too, he likes me too. I just don’t get why he doesn’t always like it when I chase her to play. I’ll figure it out next year.

Adios Mr Claus! – Cora

#8 Daylin

Daylin - Sit With Me Dog Rescue

Dear Santa,

For christmas, I’d love a squirrel home. I might be what some consider older, but i just want to have fun. My people and I are really close, and i get along with most other dogs, some just rub me the wrong way sometimes.

I think cats are bigger squirrels, they’re so quick and fluffy. Probably a home without one of those furballs would be best. I’m quiet  all night long and i’m a big girl who is good during the day when left alone.

I’ve got some allergies, and my tummy is itchy sometimes, but I think it’s this weather. Can you also bring me a new coat? A new coat, a home, and some love, that’s what i’d like Santa.

Love, Daylin

#9 Bijou

Bijou - Sit With Me Dog RescueHi Santa!

This year, i’ve been good!! We go outside and play, and hang out in the car (that’s so funnnnnn!!!) and i’ve been practicing my fetching skills.

When we’re just hanging out, my mom says i’m very gentle and affectionate. Can you bring me a home outside of Ontario? It’s okay if there are cats or other dogs, I get along with them, i’m pretty easy going. Let’s just hang out and cuddle.

Love, Bijou

#10 Toto

Toto - Sit With Me Dog RescueDear Santa,
I’ve met some flying monkeys in the city of Oz, but boy oh boy, was I ever grateful when a Sit With Me volunteer appeared. For christmas, i’d like to meet my own dorothy, a woman with the heart to teach me that i’m really loved, and someone to help me find my courage (I think I left it in Kansas)
I get along with my foster mum’s cat and fellow foster dogs so a fur sibling would be welcome but i’m not so fond of those smaller humans, they’re just weird.
Think we can swing that Santa?
– Toto

#11 Shaffer

Shaffer - Sit With Me Dog RescueDear Santa,

I’m 2.5 years old, and i’m what you’d call the shy type. You see, when I was out in the world before, I hadn’t had much exposure, if any, to people in my previous life so they frightened me quite a bit. I’ve been working on it with my extra patient foster mom and now I am her best cuddle buddy! I have even learnt how to play bow with my favourite canine siblings and do engage play at times!

Santa, I’d like a home in the country, where it’s quiet and aren’t too many people on walks. Because I spook easily, a fenced in back yard that is very secure would be ideal. While I’ve never met one of those cat-things, given how timid Shaffer is, it might be best to be in a cat free home or one with very chill, slow moving cats!

#12 Betty

Betty - Sit With Me Dog Rescue
Hi Santa!
Remember me? It’s Betty! My mom’s been calling me “a tiny, energetic, cuddly little girl” I think that’s a good thing, right?
I love everyone I meet! Although i get along well with the other dogs in my foster home, it takes slow and proper introduction for me to warm up to doggy friends. Let’s get real, i’d prefer being the only dog in the house.
I’m what you call a do-what-you-wanna-do dog. I love running around the yard, but i’m just as happy laying in the sun or on the couch as we watch TV. Sometimes i forget i’m not a lapdog, but I still try. Let’s aim for a furever home outside of Ontario next year, okay big guy?
Love, Betty

#13 Keith

Keith - Sit With Me Dog RescueDear Santa,
my foster mom calls me a super sweet goofball, but I don’t know what she’s talking about. Maybe it’s because I’m always asking for belly rubs? Really, I just want to be with my family, doesn’t matter what we do! I like going for a jog, and I love taking naps together.
There are these small creatures, I think they’re called c-a-t-s. Sometimes they like to play with me, but I get the signs when they tell me to back off. Whatever. Who needs cats anyways! I’ve always got my dog friends, they’re pretty cool. I’m hoping I can get a furever home outside of Ontario, where my new family would be okay with me being a goofball.
Love, Keith

#14 Philip

Philip - Sit With Me Dog Rescue
Hello There Mr. Claus!

My foster family has been teaching me to learn and love again, i’m feeling good about things. Some days are more anxious and and those are the days I’d rather spend the day in my house-crate and some days i’ll pretty much be in and out all day long.

I spent much of my life in a crate, and it’s one of the reasons i get easily anxious and overwhelmed, but i’m still happy. It’s the little things i like the most, like being outside with or without other dogs. I warm up to people too, but have a bit of a cuddle bubble – we all need some room sometimes.

Santa, i just want an understanding family that will accept me for who I am, and enjoy all my funny little quirks.  Once in a while i’ll tear up and down my hallways with the other little dogs, although all the noise and chaos is a bit much, I can’t help but smile.
Love, Phil

#15 Eli

Eli - Sit With Me Dog Rescue
Dear Santa,
My name is Eli, and my foster mom says I am an amazing soul and everyone who meets me falls in love. I do need a very specific home in mind, maybe you can help?
I’m going to need some ongoing guidance – I like to test where my boundaries are but once I know what they are tend to be a very well behaved boy. I need slow introductions with other dogs but once I get used to a dog I can do well with them.

I’d like to live somewhere I can sing a bit without bothering people. I have done well in a crate and am able to keep myself fairly calm and quiet but I will need practice getting used to your routine. Although I would really like a home where people are home fairly often.

My rescuers believe that I have been hit by a car as I came to them with some broken bones, but I won’t tell them exactly what happened. They fixed me up all nice and now I am not in pain and am doing very well. I really like the swimming that is part of my rehab and feel like this would really help me stay a happy and pain free boy. Having a supplement like glucosamine certainly wouldn’t hurt me either.

Let’s just love. – Eli

#16 Happy

Happy - Sit With Me Dog Rescue
Greetings santa!
What’s shaking? I’ll tell you what, my TAIL! It’s because i loves life, people, cats, playing, exploring, and snuggling. I’ve got some really great toys, i’ll make sure to show you when you come by. My foster mom and brother say i’m high energy, but I try my best to listen as well as I can, even if it means sitting and waiting while my insides explode with happiness!
If we can, Santa, i’d love a family who is active, i’ve got energy to burn, and happiness to give, did I mention this new family of mine has to be outside Ontario?
I believe in you! – Happy

#17 Greyson

Greyson - Sit With Me Dog Rescue
Hola Santa Man!
I’ve had a bit of a rough start this year, but things are looking up. I’ve met lots of humans of all ages and sizes, and i LOVE them. I also love animals, a little too much even. Sometimes I get so excited that I come off too forward, but all i want to do is play.
My foster family tells me i need to get better at sharing my toys or else I might end up on the naughty list. I swear, I’m trying.
Could you fit a  home in the country or a quieter suburban area in your present bag? Oh, and maybe a canine brother or sister for company and fun. Drop the house off somewhere outside ontario, and it’ll be the perfect home for me.
Love, Greyson

#18 Gus


Dear Santa,

I’ve got a big heart, literally and figuratively. I like to get out and meet other dogs just as much as the next guy, but going for walks and cuddling with my people tops the list of my favorite things in the whole wide world. I’ve got a bit of anxiety when i’m alone for extended periods of time, and i’d love a family where there is someone home most of the time.

As for the literal big hear, you might’ve heard about my grade 4 heart murmur and heart disease. With the medication, it helps my heart function properly and lets me live the fullest life i’ve got. So santa, think you can find someone with an equally as big of heart?

Love, Gus

#19 Huey


Dear Santa,

It’s been a hard year, I was  dropped off at a shelter because I simply wasn’t wanted anymore. I don’t understand, I’m happy, love going for walks, good on a leash, an impeccable cuddler – I know my commands, and i’m good with the house, kids, cats and dogs. Let’s be honest, i’m kinda a catch.

I really want a doggy sibling, and a family to love me forever.  A backyard that has a nice big fence, so that he can run around and play safely would be nice too. What do you think about that?

Let me know, Huey.

#20 Java


Hi Santa,

I’m Java! It’s the first time I write to you, but i’ve heard really great things about the man from the North Pole. Some of my friends have told me you might be able to help me find my forever family?

Well, I’d like them to hang out with me on walks, a couple a day, maybe cuddle as we binge-watch netflix, you know, anything really, i’m game. I like kids too, did I mention that? Kids, dogs, you name it. I met a cat once, but didn’t get close enough to really decide if i liked it, or if it liked me. This new house of mine needs to be outside of Ontario, think you can swing it?

Love, Java

#21 NigelNigel

Hi Santa!

For christmas, i’d like people to know i’m not just another charming reserved gentlemen, i’m full of kisses, and snuggles, and love. I’ve never met a dog I didn’t like, but it can take me a bit to warm up to people. I like to be the one greeting 🙂

I’m an expert coffee-drinker-watcher, and will sit by your side while you get ready for your day. My day? Well, i’ll probably fetch the ball a couple times, maybe take in a ear rub, and pester snuggle up next to my big canine brother. I also like to let people know if they’re just a little too close to the front door.

I love car rides, and long walks on the beach, think you can find me a home Santa?

Lots of love, Nigel.

#22 Padfoot



I’m Mr Padfoot. My grey whiskers match my silver christmas outfit, but don’t let that fool you, I’ve got lots of living left to do, preferably from the couch.

I do like to stretch my legs daily though, and make a great sidekick. Mr Claus, I’m looking for someone who needs sidekick, just maybe not a cat (I live with one, and it’s lame.)

Us seniors are set in our ways, and we like to take life slowly, just like when meeting new friends. I’m happy so long as you’re happy. Think we can work this out?

Sincerely, Padfoot

#23 Presley


Hello Santa!

I’ve had a really good year this year, with lots of love from the humans, my own, and ones i’ve met. I met a cat too, not so much love there, but i do have a nice calm foster sister, she and I get along pretty good, but I know I can be picky with my friends.

The perfect day is spent with a stuffed Kong, and some good ol’ lovin’. The closer I can get, the better. I like to think i’m a lapdog, but my hoomans don’t always agree. Let’s just find me a furever home that likes to play catch, or road trip (did someone say car?!). What do you say Santa?

love, Presley.

#24 Salem


Hiya Santa!

We chatted last year about finding me a forever home, but I guess I wrote you too late. Don’t worry though, I love my foster mum lots, and she loves me too.

When we’re together, it’s lots of fun. I may be petite, but I’ve got lots of energy! I’m too shy to talk about my past, but it’s left me very anxious and excited with everything that moves. So, Santa, can I add a very quiet place to call home as the only thing I want this christmas? Okay okay, a nice fenced in yard where I can run and play catch would be pretty great too. But none of those other dogs, or cat-things.

When we’re done playing catch, my new hoomans and I can go inside and cuddle, cuddle, cuddle. My mom calls me a love bug, i guess that’s a good thing! Santa, work your magic!

Love, Salem

#25 Sarge

Santa, I’ve got a confession to make. I’d be no good in the North Pole, my mom says I melt hearts! I probably melt snow too.

I’ve got lots of love to give, but sometimes I get scared of fast movements or loud noises. It’s not that I want to be afraid, we’ve been making progress with right love and patience from my foster mom.

When it’s time to go, i go. I love to play by myself or with other dogs, and i’d be more than happy if my new home had a brother or sister to share my toys with.  Find me a heart, and i’ll melt it. It’s time to find my home Santa

Love, Sarge

#26 Dara

dara - sit with me dog rescue

Dearest Mr Claus & Mrs Claus, and all the reindeer,

I’m a playful puppy, who is looking for my furever home. I’m ready to take on the world. Every person or animal I meet is my potential new best friend. I’ve learnt to be very gentle with my dog savvy catsters. I sometimes forget just how big I am!

I’ve got a case of the zoomies, and i’m b-lining straight to my new place. I can be calm, but keep in mind i’m on 8 months old! Lots of exploring and learning to do. My foster mum is patient, but i’m just a goofball. Given how young I am, i think my new parents would be smart to take me to classes, and i’d be happy to go! Let’s get in the car and head out. Oh Santa, I forgot to mention one little thing, my new home needs to be outside Ontario, whadyasay?

Love always, Dara

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