Mikey’s Legacy: Campaign of Kindness

Runs from:
February 1st – March 15th 2019
(you can start as early as Jan 20th this year!)

Starts from the goodness of your heart and can be done from anywhere!

Supporting Applications:
Sign up on CanadaHelps.org as an individual or as a team!

So what is Mikey’s Campaign of Kindness?

It’s a fundraiser to help special needs dogs that come into Sit With Me Rescue’s care.  The idea is that you do kind things and let others know and then ask for a pledge to your campaign.  This is like a walk-a-thon, but instead, it’s a do-kind-things-a-thon!

Read more and sign up here:

Thank you so much!

Meet Zora!

Zora is a sweet, sensitive soul who’s ready to find her forever family. She is looking for a family that understands her quirks and loves her for them. This darling girl thrives in the…

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