Sit With Me Younique Party

Hey everyone! Did you know that Sarah Donley is hosting a Younique Party for Sit With Me?!

ALL proceeds from this party will be donated back to the rescue to help the 37 puppies we are currently caring for as well as the others! Please open your hearts – buy some makeup you will LOVE (Christmas gifts!?) AND support this great cause and help us care for all these dogs!

Sarah will also place a bulk order and deliver to you so people do not have to cover shipping!

Follow the link below to see the products:

And if you want to visit the Facebook event follow this link:

Meet Tammy!

Are you looking for an adorable, sweet, and mellow floof with the cutest grinch feet? Well keep on reading, because Tammy just might be your girl and she is in search of her forever home!…

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